Research on Observing Diversity of Butterfly in Bhawal National Park


 A comprehensive study on butterfly diversity was conducted in Bhawal National Park, located in Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The study yielded valuable insights, documenting a total of 31 individual butterflies belonging to 12 distinct species across five families. Notably, the Nymphalidae family stood out as the most diverse, encompassing 54.84% of the species observed, totaling 17 species.

 Conversely, the Lycaenidae and Hesperiidae families were the least represented, each comprising just 3.2% of the observed species. The study predominantly focused on observing butterflies in their active, flying state, which allowed for the documentation of a significant number of species. 

However, challenges arose due to the rapid movement of certain species, hindering their observation and collection for further examination. This research highlights the remarkable butterfly diversity within Bhawal National Park, underscoring the need for continued and more in-depth investigations to enhance our understanding and documentation of this biodiverse ecosystem.

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                                              Author :
Md.Mifta Ul Huda 
                                                             Dept of Zoology, University of Dhaka 


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